Covid-19: BAM filter concept

“Sometimes the most efficient solutions emerge when you look at the problem from afar”,
our CMO, Prof. Dr. Alireza Eslamian often reminds us. It is compelling how this statement is suitable for our current situation. With scientists and researchers around the world running around in circles to find a solution to the pandemic that has gripped humanity, there has never been a better time – to move away, to analyze, and to devise unconventional propositions.
Our masterminds at ESS, Prof. Dr. Alireza Eslamian and Dr. Martin Schifko, had the advantage of being far away from the domain of clinical research, which enabled them to ruminate about the problem from various angles and design a mask – equipped with Bio Active Medical filters to potentially create immunity.
We jokingly say that it might have been their experience with E-coating in the automotive industry, which sparked the fundamental idea of coating the viruses. And we may not be far from the truth. The conception of the idea to coat SAR-CoV-2 viruses with synthesized lectins with the help of micro electromagnetic induction energy, might not have, otherwise, been possible without any medical background.
Alireza has extensive knowledge of fluid dynamics and an even wider experience in design & manufacturing. That combined with Martin’s prodigious mathematical mind and innovative spirit led us to believe that this is the perfect opportunity to step out of our known domain and deliver solutions beyond our realm.

To quote Martin – “ESS has always been about thinking differently & disrupting conventions, by inspiring innovation. Quintessence of ESS should be to contribute to the public and alleviate this crisis.”
With the design papers and the patented conceptual design ready, we are looking for potential partners willing to collaborate with us for the development of the prototype or for further research. Help us contribute to the community. Share this with your most suitable contact!
The design video and papers are available for download below.
Until then, stay safe and healthy!