Update on the corona situation in Austria

After the Austrian government took drastic safety-measures in March, the situation got better in May. Shops, schools, and restaurants were re-opened two months ago. The restrictions that were in place earlier were relaxed. Now, the infection cases in Austria are rising again with up to 100 new cases a day. This had been identified as a critical limit for tightening measures again.
Once again, wearing a mask will be mandatory in supermarkets, banks, and post-offices.
In public transportations and at health clinics, the usage of masks has always been mandatory. The situation in Upper Austria is a bit different since the measures are slightly stricter and have been in place for over two weeks.
Ever since the Austrian borders have been re-opened to the public, we could observe an increase in the inflow of new cases. Owing to this, Austria will strengthen border control measures and control quarantine measures for travellers more strictly. The government has also announced that they will launch a “Corona traffic light system” for the Austrian regions in August. Nevertheless, the public is finding a way between containing the virus and living their daily life.
We, at ESS, are adapting to the current situation on a gradual basis. Despite re-opening our office, we still encourage our teams to utilize the work-from-home opportunity when needed. For our employees who wish to get back to their desks, we provide ergonomically adequate office environments with a high standard of hygiene in consideration. With additional precautions and necessary safeguards, we hope to make strides in the weeks to arrive.